Misdemeanors Lawyer in Indianapolis Preserving Your Record and Freedom

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Misdemeanors Lawyer in Indianapolis Preserving Your Record and Freedom

Almost 45 percent of new criminal cases filed in Indiana in the last two years are misdemeanor cases. A misdemeanor is a criminal offense that ranges in seriousness, from minor infractions like speeding tickets to serious bodily injury caused by driving under the influence to domestic violence and battery.

A misdemeanor charge is generally punishable by a fine or incarceration in local county jail, though repeat offenses can add up to fines, probation, jail time, community service, and more severe penalties, such as a felony conviction status, that will become a permanent part of your legal record.

Class A misdemeanors are serious criminal charges, while class C misdemeanors are the least serious criminal offenses with lesser penalties. In court, judges base their decisions on whether physical injuries occurred, property damage, and any prior criminal offenses.

The bottom line is that a class A misdemeanor, class B misdemeanor, and class C misdemeanor can have a major impact on your life and liberty, especially the more severe the crime and charges.

A criminal conviction leaves a mark forever, though an Indianapolis misdemeanor attorney can increase your chances of success, a better sentence, or getting your charges dropped altogether. Book an initial consultation with the Law Office of Corey L. Scott LLC to discuss your legal options: (317) 623-4546.

What is a Misdemeanor?

In Indiana, misdemeanors are criminal offenses punishable by up to one year in prison with a maximum fine of $5,000.They range from class A misdemeanors to class B misdemeanors to class C misdemeanors.

Although the punishment for misdemeanors is relatively minor compared to felonies, these offenses are serious enough that they can have a severe impact on your employment, freedom, housing eligibility, and reputation in your community.

Having a criminal conviction can make it difficult to obtain future employment, qualify for some student loans, or legally own a firearm. The most commonly charged misdemeanors include:

  • Battery
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Domestic Battery
  • Driving under the influence (DUI) or operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OVWI)
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Possession of Marijuana
  • Public intoxication

A misdemeanor defense attorney with the Law Office of Corey L. Scott LLC can help you understand your misdemeanor charges and misdemeanor penalties. Get help for your case today and book a free initial consultation: (317) 623-4546.

What is a Class A Misdemeanor?

There are three classes of misdemeanor offenses, including class A misdemeanors, class B misdemeanors, and class C misdemeanors. Misdemeanor convictions depend on the type of crime, any prior criminal charges, the nature of the criminal offense (such as any injuries involved), and general circumstances surrounding the charge.

The more serious misdemeanor offenses, as these offenses are close to felony convictions, are class A misdemeanors. To give more context as to how a court decides the criminal charge, take, for example, two people in a physical fight. The offending party throws a punch but doesn't harm the other person with anything more than a bruise. A much different scenario can change the class of crime in an instant. If the victim slips and falls during a physical altercation and it causes head trauma or internal bleeding, the charge will shift to a felony.

Other examples of class A misdemeanor crimes in Central Indiana include resisting law enforcement, theft, criminal conversion, traffic infractions, driving under the influence (DUI), intimidation, domestic battery, medical fraud, and carrying a handgun without a license. With a conviction, a person could get up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000.

If you have committed one or more misdemeanor offenses, it's time to consult with an experienced misdemeanor lawyer to discuss your case. Call (317) 623-4546 and book an initial consultation with the Law Office of Corey L. Scott LLC.

What are Other Types of Misdemeanor Charges?

The remaining two types of misdemeanors are a class B misdemeanor and a class C misdemeanor.

A class B misdemeanor is right on the cusp of more serious crimes, like class A misdemeanors, as they still include some level of physical harm. A drunk driver might be charged with a class B misdemeanor for driving under the influence and breaking the law, though if this act causes a car accident and serious bodily injury, a class A misdemeanor is likely.

These offenses include battery, criminal recklessness, harassment, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and possession of marijuana. A criminal conviction, in this instance, requires up to 180 days of jail time and a fine of $1,000 or more.

Class C misdemeanors are the least serious criminal charges, as they typically don't include any bodily injury. Common examples include operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OVWI), petty theft or shoplifting, possession of paraphernalia, indecent exposure, operating a vehicle without a driver's license, and public nudity. Class C misdemeanor convictions include up to 60 days in prison and a possible $500 fine.

If this is your first-time offense or you have a criminal history, understand your rights and legal options before making any hasty decisions that could impact your future. A criminal defense lawyer that understands the criminal justice system can review your case today: (317) 623-4546.

How can a Misdemeanor Lawyer Help my Case?

A misdemeanor conviction in Indiana comes with possible penalties that could jeopardize your future, from securing a loan, to buying a home, to getting a job.

The experienced misdemeanor attorneys with the Law Office of Corey L. Scott LLC have helped first-time offenders and repeat offenders with a strong legal defense that positively improved the outcome of many criminal cases, from class A misdemeanor to class B misdemeanor to class C misdemeanor convictions.

Ultimately, until you speak with an Indianapolis misdemeanor attorney, you won't know your options, which could include a dismissed case and no criminal charges, among other possible alternatives.

There are various legal angles related to your misdemeanor charge, from challenging suppression issues, requesting a pretrial diversion, plea bargain options, a suspended sentence, or dismissal of charges when the circumstances are right. As we understand how the complicated criminal justice system works and Indiana state law, we can help you navigate it to your benefit and increase your chances of a positive outcome.

If you are facing criminal charges, don't plead guilty to a crime and sabotage your chances of a better sentence, no sentence, or a brighter future until you've explored all your possible options with a misdemeanor defense attorney.

A misdemeanor lawyer with the Law Office of Corey L. Scott LLC is ready to discuss your case and how we can help. Book a free consultation today to learn more: (317) 623-4546.

About Our Firm

The Law Office of Corey L. Scott, P.C., provides professional solutions to everyday people by consistently delivering high quality legal services and building trusting relationships with its clients.

Practice Areas

The Law Office of Corey L. Scott, P.C., specializes in Bankruptcy Law, Criminal Law, and Family Law.


We are advisors, advocates, counselors and strategists for every client, everyday and on every case. Contact the Law Office of Corey L. Scott, P.C. today.
